# micmute-autohotkey Simple Autohotkey script to mute your microphone. Turns on the Scroll Lock LED on your keyboard when the microphone is muted so you have a visual indicator when the microphone is muted. Instructions: Download and install Autohotkey here https://www.autohotkey.com/ Download and add the Sound volume command line tool from Nirsoft https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/sound_volume_command_line.html to your %PATH% Download the micmute.ahk file from the repository Adjust line #5 to set the hotkey you want to use to mute/unmute the microphone, documentation available at https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/KeyList.htm adjust lines #11 and #13 with your Microphone name, I suggest naming it something different than the default Microphone Run the script and press the hotkey you edited on line #5