import requests import feedparser webhook_url = '' # You need to create a discord webhook on the specific channel that you want the script to use and then past that URL above. rss_url = '' # URL of the RSS feed, should support all standard RSS feed types def send_to_discord(message): payload = {'content': message}, json=payload) def get_last_entry(): try: with open('last_posted.txt', 'r') as file: return except FileNotFoundError: return None def update_last_entry(link): with open('last_posted.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(link) def check_rss_feed(): feed = feedparser.parse(rss_url) latest_entry = feed.entries[0] last_posted_entry = get_last_entry() if != last_posted_entry: send_to_discord(f"New post 📰: {latest_entry.title} - {}") update_last_entry( check_rss_feed()